Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships
Indicator Phrasing
English: number of partnerships established between the local authorities, the private sector and civil society addressing issues which impact the quality of life in the target area
French: nombre de partenariats établis entre les autorités, le secteur privé et la société civile pour traiter les questions qui ont une incidence sur la qualité de vie dans la zone cible
Spanish: número de asociaciones establecidas entre las autoridades locales, el sector privado y la sociedad civil que abordan cuestiones que afectan a la calidad de vida en la zona objetivo
Portuguese: número de parcerias estabelecidas entre autoridades locais, sector privado e sociedade civil que abordam questões que afectam a qualidade de vida na área-alvo
Czech: počet partnerství navázaných mezi autoritami, soukromým sektorem a občanskou společností řešících záležitosti ovlivňující kvalitu života v cílových oblastech
What is its purpose?
The indicator assesses the extent to which the local authorities, private sector and civil society actors cooperate on addressing issues which the local citizens perceive as affecting the quality of their life.
How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data
Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:
1) Define the criteria specifying what type of partnerships can be considered (between which actors, for what purpose, for whose benefit, during which time period, etc.).
2) Use key informant interviews to identify the partnerships which meet your criteria. Disaggregate them according to the pre-defined types of partnerships and their main goals. If your capacity allows, also assess the approximate number of people benefiting (consider disaggregating according to your project’s contexts and objectives).
3) Count the number and type of partnerships.
Important Comments
1) The fact that new partnerships were established does not necessarily mean that they resulted in positive, tangible outcomes for the intended cause. Therefore, consider including an additional indicator: “% of key informants who report that cooperative activities between the CSOs and [choose: local authorities / private sector] had a tangible positive impact on achieving the intervention’s objectives”.